Choosing your course package


Buying Individual Courses

If you choose to study by purchasing individual courses (theoretical knowledge subjects) as and when required, you'll find that access to these courses only last for one month. So in that time period, you'll want to try to study, and take the official exam. If you don't manage to do it in the timescale, don't panic - you can buy the course again for another month. This approach is generally suitable for people who want to be encouraged to learn one subject at a time - in other words, you need to be encouraged to "get on with your study"!

Depending on the pilot licence you are training for depends on what theoretical knowledge courses you will need to undertake (and the associated official exams). You'll find more information on what courses you need by looking at the Guidance Menu above again and choosing the relavent pilots licence. Alternatively you can see the courses applicable to the type of pilots licence you are training for via our Course Selector Wizard.

Buying Starter Kits

An alternative to buying individual courses is to buy one of our Starter Kits. These offer great value for money, and in addition, enable you to purchase all of the relavent courses for the pilots licence you are training for in one go. In addition, access to these courses is given for a much longer time period (either 18 or 24 months).

We have a variety of Starter Kits available for each of the pilot licences - each kit contains all of the necessary theoretical knowledge subject material. But then we also offer further relavent courses depending on the starter kit you purchase. You can see a comparison of these kits on our Starter Kits page.